SWT Series Roller Cone Drilling Bits

SWT steel tooth bit with high efficiency:
SWT series steel tooth bit with high efficiency has strong wear resistant teeth and fast ROP, bit can work more stably, which is more suitable for drilling in soft or middle soft formations.

Seal system
Seal types of this series bit are selected based on drilling applications. Default type of the bearing is rubber 0 ring seal. If PDM or other drilling method with high RPM is used, metal face seal is selected. Additional feature M can be used for SWT bit; it means structure feature with metal face sealed

Higher wear-resistance cutter
Enhanced structure of cutter shape
Optimized structure design of cutter shape is thickened hardfacing on surface and crest of cutters to enhance aggressiveness for cutters. Enhanced hardfacing on leading edge and trailing edge of cutters improve wear-resistance of cutters.

Optimized hardfacing technology
New welding material is used to enhance further wear resistance of cutters

High ROP
Optimized cutting structure
Based on rock mechanics features adopt calculation and analysis tools to optimize cutter row arrangement and number of cutter. Then the cutting efficiency and direction of movement for cutters of each row are calculated accurately to maximize breakage volume of bottom hole. Finally, ROP of the bit is also improved. (Optional features: C, G, M)

Drilling Bits Type:
SWT117、SWT127 SWT117、SWT127 SWT117、SWT127 SWT117、SWT127 SWT115、SWT125 SWT115、SWT125 SWT115、SWT125 SWT115、SWT125 SWT115、SWT125