ORCAER Hydraulic Fully have quality guarantee for the products,Care warranty team strives to provide an effortless experience for our customers. you’ll find the ORCAER Warranty Philosophy, information about warranty coverage, and some coverage and claim processing guidelines. Our database search is also available to help you better understand ORCAER coverages and their requirements. As always, if you don’t find what you need here, please don’t hesitate to contact us
ORCAER utilizes the 4 C’s to guide our Service Providers through a successful warranty repair.
A complaint is generated by Connected Advisor, a warning light, or a performance issue and the Customer is responsible for making the Product available for repair by a ORCAER authorized Service Provider. - CAUSE
The Service Provider will use ORCAER published Service Information to troubleshoot and perform failure analysis until the root cause and resulting progressive damage are identified. - COVERAGE
The Service Provider will then determine if coverage is available for the failure and to what extent it can be covered. ORCAER reimburses for failures due to Factory materials and workmanship, failures and/or damage resulting from abuse or neglect are not covered. - CORRECTION
Once responsibility is determined and the Customer agrees, the Service Provider will perform their correction of the failure. A Customer can incur charges during a warranty repair, but should never be charged an additional amount for a job covered by warranty.