TBM disc cutter is a disc-shaped roller cutter mounted on the cutterhead of tunnel boring machine

Installed in the mixed Cutterhead or hard rock Cutterhead of TBM, It crushes the rock through the cutter rings rolling into the rocks in the excavated face. It is mainly used for full face rock strata or some composite formations. ORCAER can design and produce various disc cutters from 8″~ 20″, and match the best disc cutters according to different Cutter- heads and different geological conditions. All the bearings and seals are imported from top European and American manufacturers. All the production process follows a strict procedure, such as material selection, forging, heat treatment, machining, assembly, etc. All of these details secure our cutters a stable and excellent performance.

Reliability, long lifetime and service. In mechanized tunnelling, choosing the right Cutter,Tools is a question of trust. Lifetime, efficiency and reliability of Cutters, also called Cutter Disks or Disks, can considerably affect the profitability of mechanized tunnelling works.Cutters are exposed to more different and sometimes extreme conditions during tunnellingthan any other Cutter Tool. Ground temperatures of up to 50 degrees centigrade, rock strengths up to 350MPa, high water pressures, dust or sand put the Cutter Disks and their components to the test. Naturally, the disks need to perform reliably even under these extreme conditions.
ORCAER is one of the leading companies in the production of  TBM Disk Cutter, manufacturing and supplying premium high strength Cutter Disks. Our technological leadership in tunnelling along with our great experience in manufacturing Cutter Tools for small and large
tunnel diameters guarantees a long lifetime and top performance during tunnelling.
At ORCAER , innovations in TBM technology and Cutter Tools go hand in hand. In contrast to other manufacturers who only produce Cutters, we see the Cutter Tools in the context of Cutterhead design and changing procedures of the Cutters. If the Cutterhead and
the Cutter Tools are effectively aligned, this not only simplifies the necessary maintenance
work, but also positively influences profitability.

TBM Disc Cutter Characteristics:

  • A wide range of cutter ring: 8 series,more than 500 types of cutter ring, can adapt to different geological conditions,different construction
  • working conditions of the digging requirements
  • Complete specifications, can be adapted to different manufacturers different diameters of equipment
  • Precision and safety of disc cutter parts, interchange ability and reliability